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Anchor 1
Anchor 2
Anchor 3
Board of Christian Education & Formation

This Board provides opportunities for educational ministry to the various auxiliaries, boards, departments and age groupings of the local Church; to promote Christian nurture, growth and development at all levels.

Cast the Net Prayer Ministry

The Cast the Net Prayer Ministry lifts up a weekly prayer focus Monday-Saturday at 5:00a.m., Noon and 10:00p.m. Daily; along with praying for the Church leadership, those sick and shut-in, bereaved and other needs of the Church, Community and World.

Children’s Ministry

Ministers to children from infancy to age 11.  To provide a loving Christian environment that fosters a knowledge and understanding of God, basic biblical principles and spiritual nurturing and development for our children.  Activities include Sunday Bible Study, Sunday Church School, Children’s Church, Choir, Spirit of David Children Dance Ministry, and Usher.

Youth Photos

Couples' Ministry

To model God’s vision with the husband and wife union illustrating the relationship between Christ and the Church.  The purpose is to support, encourage, educate and motivate married couples to enjoy a full and everlasting relationship with the Word of God as our foundation. 

Digital Media

This Ministry provides the local Church video, computer, and other advanced technologies that expands the ministries of the local Church. 

Evangelism Ministry

Disciples for Christ are not born, they are made! The mission of Evangelism is winning souls for Christ through teaching, preaching and reaching out to the community! 

Hospitality Ministry

Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. (Romans 12:12) The vision of the Hospitality Ministry is to meet and greet the members and visitors with a warm Christian welcome as they enter the hallowed doors of the Israel CME Church. 

Lay Ministry

The Lay Ministry or “Lay Council as it is called” is responsible for the program of lay ministry in the church.  The Lay Ministry at Israel works with the Prison Ministry to sponsor the Angel Tree Holiday event as well as works with the other ministries of the church.

Liturgical Dance

The purpose is to worship and praise the Lord through dance, sign and step.  The Spirit of David Ministry has six different components:  Adult Dance, Youth Dance, Children Dance & Step, Male Youth Step Team, and Sign Ministry.

Ministry to Men

This ministry ministers to the needs and concerns of men in the local Church as well as address the systematic problems African American males face under the social, economic, and political conditions of the nation and the world.

Monday Morning Prayer Ministry

This Prayer Ministry gathers on Monday Morning weekly to lift up the prayer petitions that have come forth from the membership as well praying for the Church.

Music Ministry

Supports the vision of the Church “A Beacon of Light in the Heart of the City, Guiding Souls of Christ.”  We seek to glorify God by employing our gifts and talents through song; therefore, setting the atmosphere for the word of God to come forth.

Prayer Hotline Ministry

A group of volunteer prayer warriors and intercessors on duty 24 hours, 7 days a week, who strive to build up the wall and stand in the gap for the church and the community as intercessors on their behalf.  Persons can call the Hotline (202) 723-5945 and seek prayer. 

Prison Ministry

To minister to prisoners, and ex-prisoners and their families. It is structured into Ministry Delivery Teams (MDT), consisting of a group leader and eight coordinators in various areas of the ministry. To effectively proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who have been impacted by crime.


“Enhancing educational opportunities by providing financial assistance to our college bound seniors; through yearly scholarships.”  To provide assistance to the Israel Metropolitan CME Church students who can benefit from future education.  Funds are distributed as available.

Sharing Your Share (Self Help and Resource Exchange) Food Program

Israel serves as one of the Host Site for the Share Food Network (in operation since December 1990); a community outreach affordable food program sponsored by the Associated Catholic Charities and the Knights of Malata.


The Stewards are responsible for the finances of the local Church; give advice in planning the work of the Church; assist the local Pastor as assigned; and are a part of the Official Board.


Preparers of the Lord’s Table for the communion rituals is just one of the duties of the Stewardesses.  They also serve the poor, serve the table of the ministry, and serve as a part of the Official Board of the local Church.  Israel has 5 Stewardesses Boards with over 61 ladies.

Stewardesses Celebration Photos

Sunday Church School

Serves as an extension of the worship experience and seeks to provide enhanced biblical education to the church community at large.  Classes are at 8:45AM.


As a part of the Official Board, the Trustees are responsible for all property, real, personal and mixed, owned by the local Church.

Women’s Missionary Society

To implement the mission and unity of the Christian Church in Christ Jesus, at home and abroad.  WMS of Israel consists of 5 circles and 3 departments for children, youth and young adults.  Meet every second Saturday of the month at 11:00AM.

Missionary Society Photos

Young at Heart Ministry

Information To Be Supplied later.

Young Adult Ministry

This ministry addresses the needs and concerns of the Young Adults in the age range of 18 to 35 through various fellowships, Bible Study, Sunday Church School and other outreaches.

Youth Ministry

It is our vision to establish an environment for youth, ages 12-17 that fosters spiritual and social maturation.  Our ministry goals are to equip youth, empower youth, and enable youth.  Activities include the Youth Fellowship, Bible Study, Sunday Church School, Spirit of David Youth Dancers/Step, Youth Choir and Youth Ushers.

Under Shepherd Ministry

Israel serves as one of the Host Site for the Share Food Network (in operation since December 1990); a community outreach affordable food program sponsored by the Associated Catholic Charities and the Knights of Malata.

Usher Board

“I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”  Psalm 84:10   The purpose of the local Usher Board is to prepare the Church for the members and guests; to admit people to the house of worship, attend to their needs and to their comfort while they are within; and perform other duties as outlined or assigned by the local Pastor.

2020 Israel Metropolitan CME Church | Designed by C. Hope Creations

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